Why You Should Build a Website for Your Brand
Your company’s website plays a huge role in supporting your brand—it provides a sense of credibility. Learn why you should build a website for your brand.
Regardless of the specific functionality your company’s website possesses, it should also act as the cornerstone of your brand’s development and advertising efforts. This could be a simple landing page with a contact form, a leading financial services site with access to a proprietary database, or an eCommerce site responsible for conducting sales across the globe. Though easily accepted as an ideal, this is far from a universal practice. In fact, very few businesses launch their websites with the intention of ever synchronizing them with a concerted marketing program. And even fewer companies update their site to reflect ever-changing corporate outreach efforts.
Why You Should Build a Website for Your Brand
Though seldom used to full effect, no other single piece of corporate communication can match the richness, volume, and depth of brand development that a proper company website can deliver. Consistency of message and brand standards is key—successfully branded websites can house on-brand videos, headlines that capture the company’s brand voice, photographic styles, and other brand standards. Likewise, a site’s functionality can do much to communicate a company’s positioning and help the brand live more vibrantly in the customer’s mind. The company website should be the fountainhead from which successful brands spring, dovetailing directly with a business’s social media and paid outreach efforts.

Sound integrated marketing efforts implemented on the company website will ensure that all messaging and communications strategies remain unified across all channels. To start, marketing firms will follow a disciplined marketing process that identifies and prioritizes potential audiences, creates custom messaging across multi-channels, and carefully evaluates the performance of these efforts to earn ROI for its clients. This way, they can establish websites that maintain the consistency of the brand and deliver measurable campaign success. However, this isn’t the best practice that most typical digital marketing firms use.
The Best Approach
While most company leaders understand that they need to unify their brand across all channels—centered around their core customers—few digital agencies reach this goal. Many do not have the perspective or the creative firepower to create a brand voice, brand standards, or advertising campaign that can achieve this consistency across multiple channels. Plus, when you factor in the challenges of today’s hyper-abbreviated budgets and fractured corporate leadership structures, many companies are left with division, inconsistent messaging, and a watered-down branding effort that inspires few.

It is only with a single-minded focus and a deliberately set course that a brand can retain its power to persuade. Creating a website that establishes and furthers a brand’s standards is essential. On each website, the brand’s positioning must be clear. The brand’s photographic style and voice (copy and design) must be consistent. Any headlines that might appear on digital or traditional advertising content should appear on the site as well. All branding elements that prospective customers might encounter through the various forms of customer outreach should also appear on the website. If a company’s web content is too passive or conventional to appear as part of a paid advertising campaign, then it’s likely too mediocre to exist on the company website. No one loves boring brands—customers want a brand they can love.
If your company needs to build a website that better suits your brand, turn to Cerberus—a full-service digital marketing firm that delivers advertising / design / digital development / media solutions. They have a proven track record of helping small startups and hometown favorites in New Orleans look like major players in their respective fields. Everything Cerberus does (all strategy, ideation, design, and development) is undertaken with a single-minded focus on their core audience. Every ad and every page of every website that Cerberus designs help to build brands worth loving by creatively communicating each company’s original brand positioning. All branding elements and all branding initiatives remain consistent, strong, and focused for maximum effect. For examples of Cerberus’ Branding Worth Loving approach to building brands by building better websites, visit www.cerberus.agency.