What’s the Best Method for Selling Customers on an Idea?
Selling a product is easy. An idea, on the other hand, is much more difficult. Here are some steps you should follow to improve the process of selling an idea.
In many cases, customers buy a product because they know why they need or want it. Sometimes, it’s something that fixes a problem in their life. At other times, it’s something that’ll help them relax. Regardless of the reason, people make informed decisions in the buying process.
While this standard structure deviates a bit when it comes to impulse buying, typically, people still run through a process in their heads in which they determine that they need the object in question. However, not all products fulfill customers’ needs in a way they’d expect. When a person comes up with a revolutionary new product, they don’t realize on their own that this item can completely change how they live their lives. That’s when you must sell consumers on an idea rather than a product.
While this might not sound all that different on the surface, the way you have to sell these types of products is completely distinct. People may get excited because of new ideas. But unless you convince them that it’s worth their time and money, they’ll be hesitant to change over. Even though it’s impossible to change everyone’s minds overnight, by using the best method for selling customers on an idea rather than a product, you’ll find much more success early on.

Focus on the Consumer
Even though the tips we’re about to suggest to you are things that you can take or leave depending on your personal preferences, one thing in this strategy is something that you should always do: put the focus of the pitch on the customer. Sometimes, people will be interested in how the idea for your product came about or how long it took to develop, but most of the time, they only care about how it’ll affect them.
Depending on how you present this idea to them, you likely won’t even have the time to get into these kinds of details. If you create a large presentation that thousands of people will see, then maybe smaller aspects like this will be necessary. However, if you try to convey these facts through other forms of promotion and advertising, people will quickly lose interest. Even though this product is your baby, the key focus should always be on the people it’s for.

Put the Customer at Ease
No matter how you present your idea to the public, the first thing you need to do is put their mind at ease. Even though many people get excited about change, they can still get frightened by it. While the reasons for this fear vary from person to person, the fact of the matter is that you need to reassure them that this change is for the better.
Even if they’re 100 percent open to change, other concepts that could hold them back exist. Maybe they’re worried about how long your pitch will take, or they feel a bit intimidated by how you present yourself. Their hesitation could simply come from the fact that they don’t like your company’s products or past actions.
Regardless of what’s holding a particular consumer back, simply jumping in and telling them about how life-changing your product is can quickly turn them against you. You need to start by opening up to them and putting their minds at ease.
This is a time when getting into your process could come into play. But as we previously stated, your focus should be on the customer. Let them know how long this presentation might take. If applicable, own up to any past mistakes your company might have made, and explain how this new product will make up for them.
You can even tell them a story. It could be a real-life scenario or one that’s completely fictitious. No matter how you go about it, make sure you make it relatable. If you can accomplish that, you’ll open your audience to what you’re about to tell them.

Provide the Important Information Upfront
After introducing your game-changing product, it’s time to hit people with the facts about it. Words mean nothing without detailed information that better explains the concepts you previously mentioned. This can include further details on how it works or your future plans for this product line.
For a customer to make an informed decision, they need these kinds of specifics laid out in front of them. You can’t leave them to make assumptions about your new product. They could get things wrong, leading to the loss of a potential sale or, even worse, the spread of misinformation. Being upfront and honest will help keep you ahead of the curve.

Follow It Up With Proof
Of course, statements mean nothing without proof. You can’t just show consumers the next best thing and expect them to take your word for it. You need to show them that the things you’re saying are true.
The best ways to show this are with detailed statistics and case studies. Stats are great because they can show people a lot of information in a small sample size. On the other hand, real-world examples can sometimes paint a better picture. This is where case studies come into play. In the end, a mix of both will be best for proving to your audience that you aren’t simply making things up about your new product.

Keep Your Message Simple
While this method for selling consumers on an idea might sound great so far, the hardest part is yet to come. Even though you need to provide detailed information and proof that your product works, you must do all of this in a simplified structure. That doesn’t mean you should cut out a majority of what you have to say. Instead, express it in a way that makes it easier to understand.
When writing a presentation, you might find the need to use larger words that’ll impress the audience. While this might work to an extent, you’ll most likely leave consumers confused and uninterested in what you have to say. That means you should avoid industry jargon as well. Find other ways to explain processes that are more accessible to the average person. The key is to not leave some of your audience hung up on something they don’t understand.

Give Customers the Control
Once the presentation is complete, and you’ve informed the consumer and sold them on the idea, you need to leave it in their hands to follow up and commit to your product. Many companies make the mistake of trying to convince their audience that they simply won’t be able to go on with life without this new technology. While that can increase the initial influx of purchases due to the fear of missing out, it’s not a strategy that has long-lasting effects.
The main reason for this is your product will likely be on store shelves for years to come. The only fear of missing out you create here is for people who like to be the first to try something new. All you’re doing is alienating the rest of your audience. That’s why you need to take a step back and let people decide if your product is right for them. As long as you correctly present the information and proof, most consumers will conclude that they truly need your product.
This is what makes selling an idea so difficult—you have to trust your customers. If an idea feels implanted, many will reject it. It needs to feel natural. If people realize they need your revolutionary product on their own accord, they’ll be much more likely to commit.
Of course, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to sell it to them at all. Standard marketing practices will help remind people of your product and persuade them to take action. If you follow standard strategies for making your PPC campaign more effective and other basic marketing principles, you should have no problem selling your new product.