Contributors Wanted

We know there are others like us that would like to share their tips, successes, and thoughts with other marketers, entrepreneurs, and small businesses! Digital Huddle is seeking new voices and thought leaders to contribute content to our digital marketing community. Some of our top focuses include:
- Social Media
- Email Marketing
- Content Marketing
- Web Development
All contributors must be based in the United States or Canada. All content should provide key takeaways and practical tips to help further digital growth or illustrate digital success.
Please cite all sources including statistics and quotes. All sources must be authoritative, trustworthy, and credible. Content (featured articles, how-tos, guides, and case studies) should be 500-1200 words, and it should be original and exclusive to Digital Huddle.
All content should have a title (40-60 characters) and a description (140-160 characters). Please proofread all content. Content must follow AP rules, reflect English spelling, and be grammatically correct.
All images and infographics should be high resolution. All submitted graphics must be original material. Please note all stock image sources.Digital Huddle does not tolerate plagiarism. When submitting your content (copy and graphics), you are acknowledging that everything is original to you. Only Word documents will be accepted. Do not include any special formatting. Simple formatting like headers, bold, italic, and bulleted lists will be accepted.
Please include a headshot, author bio, and social media handles with all submissions. You may also include your company’s website or blog in your bio.
Please submit content to [email protected]. By submitting content, you are giving Digital Huddle ownership rights and permission to publish on our website, newsletter, and social media channels. You are also authorizing any minor edits (if needed) for content to be published. If content requires additional edits, it will be returned for further modifications.
Please feel free to submit as many articles as you’d like. We do not guarantee that all submitted content will be published. Digital Huddle does not compensate for published content. If published, please feel free to promote the content citing Digital Huddle on your website, social media, and other digital outlets.