6 Strategies To Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

6 Strategies To Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Making a successful landing page isn’t easy. If yours is struggling to bring in new customers, read some suggestions for improving its conversion rate.

When your company puts a large focus on finding new customers and making sales online, you want to ensure you’re doing so effectively. Low conversion rates are a killer of any online business. If you draw people to your store but can’t convince them to convert, you’ll waste lots of time and money.

However, it’s important to know that the conversion rates of landing pages are typically quite low. In fact, most rarely go over five percent. Still, if yours is lower than about two percent, it might be time to make some changes. In this post, we’ll go over some strategies that should be able to help you increase your landing page conversion rates. That way, you can start building your sales at a more consistent rate.

Improve the Visuals

One of the first things you should check when figuring out how to improve your conversion rate is your bounce rate. If most people have left within the first 30 seconds, they likely never had the chance to consider buying your products or services. Even though many things can instantly drive someone away from your site, a common reason is that your site isn’t visually appealing.

Unfortunately, too many people judge a book by its cover. If your landing page looks messy or flat-out ugly, people aren’t going to stick around. By improving the visuals, adding some informative videos, and cleaning up the interface, you’ll attract many more interested consumers.

Make It Easy To Navigate

Complex navigation is another thing that can drive people away from your landing page and website as a whole. Maybe they’ve taken the time to learn more about you and what you offer but can’t figure out where to go next to buy your product or service. If it takes too long to figure that out, they’ll just get frustrated and leave.

Knowing the key components of user-friendly website navigation will certainly help with this problem. However, improving page loading times and ensuring everything transfers smoothly to mobile is essential. That last part is particularly important since nearly half of all consumers shop from their phones these days.

Reduce the Amount of Content

You want your visitors to make it through the content on your landing page. Understandably, businesses usually pack as much information as possible about who they are and what they sell into a landing page. This is where you have to do most of the selling to your potential customers, after all.

However, consumers don’t want to read walls of text to determine if they’re interested in what you have to offer. They want to quickly find out if you’re worth their time. If it takes you a page and a half to convince them of that, you won’t retain many of them. Instead, you must keep things concise. Give them the elevator pitch and use headings and bullet points to highlight key information for your audience.

Focus on Your Target Audience

Speaking of audience, make sure all your content and visuals focus on your target audience. Too many companies try to hit a broad appeal for fear of alienating some groups. However, those groups likely weren’t interested in your product in the first place.

You need to figure out who wants what you’re selling and focus on them. Since you have fewer words to do this with, you need to keep your focus narrow. Once you’ve built up your conversion rate on your landing page and have a loyal customer base, you can start expanding into other audiences.

Condense Your Calls to Action

You’ll also need to make sure you have fewer calls to action on your landing page. It might seem better to have more of these, but all they’ll do is stress out your page visitors. Asking potential customers to sign up for your newsletter, make an account, and buy your new product all at once can overwhelm and confuse them.

This is a perfect example of “less is more.” In the same way that you hone in on one particular target audience, you should focus on a single call to action. Once you’ve converted a user using one of these methods, you can then try following up with some of the others. That way, you know they’re already committed to your brand.

Test a Few Out

Finally, the last thing we’d suggest you do to increase the conversion rate of your landing page is to try a few different versions. It’s nearly impossible to get it right on the first try. By building a few landing pages, you can switch them out and measure how each performs. Then, you can pick your best option or make changes accordingly.